Some fascinating statistics in Are you among the world's wealthiest? - Telegraph If you have $3,650 including the value of your home then you are in the top 50% wealthiest people on earth, yet the average person is worth $56,000. Income inequality got worse in 23 countries this year. The UK is the only G7 nation included in that group.
Kinda skewed by living in the 1st world though. Pretty much 99% of people in the UK are richer than people in the third world.
a mate worked in India briefly, first thing he noticed was the level of poverty, second being the level of hospitality, courtesy and the general feeling of happiness about them. i dont like stats as a rule. you here them all the time, especially from the powers that be. yes we are all doing better the average wage is now up to 27k are people still fooled by these quotes?.
One of the founding elements of The Indian culture, is that of hospitality. A guest in your house is treated like a king as a mark of respect. Yes India has a massive population and poverty issue and this is unlikely to change
This is exactly the point. Those at the very top have several orders of magnitude more than those just below the very top and the vast majority have very little. A sobering thought.
So.....If you have £2293 including the value of your home.......! Wot? I assume they think we live in sheds, I guess......
any one of my mountain bikes is worth more than 50% of what the worlds pop earns annually,,, this computer which I am typing on is prob woth as much as many of them earn annually
AYE and you wont see them on here moaning about the price of insurance, there fore the skinter you are the happier you are.
Many whingers seem to be remarkably ungrateful for the fact that they are much wealthier and more comfortable than any of their own ancestors were, or than most of the world's population are. Count your blessings!
When I didn't have much I was always happy - always been employed thankfully - but at times I was skint, in my early days through buying and messing with bikes I couldn't afford - but it didn't matter then as I didn't have a house and mortgage. When I hag a flat, at times bills were hard to pay, that was a bit shit and I wasn't happy all the time. As soon as I could comfortably pay my bills and have enough to go for a drink I have been as happy as a pig in shit :Happy: anything on top of that is a bonus. I always feel content and lucky to have been born in York. I certainly count my blessings which after family are predominantly motorbikes.
Generally speaking, what you have and haven't got is not an issue. It's what other people have, and you haven't got, that creates great discontent. Interestingly, Britain, alone amongst the top twenty national economies, currently has an increasing divide between haves and have-nots. This might be the source of discontent that so puzzles Pete.
This is largely down to the haves using the recession to stop paying a fair wage and creaming it all off for themselves! We all took a reduction and four day week for a year and 'none of our directors did' Only one payed the difference to a charity out of the lot of them :Rage:
In France before 1789 and in Russia before 1917 there was a small class of immensely wealthy people who controlled nearly all the land, money, political power, military power, and religious power. They claimed high status and paid little or no tax. The remaining 99% of the population were subordinated, exploited and manipulated. The wealthy behaved with ever-increasing arrogance and selfishness. In each case the outcome was a devastating political explosion. The increasing divide between haves and have-nots (we could call them sans-culottes!) in the UK and USA in recent decades is not unprecedented, but it is much studied. It is not at all puzzling, to me or anybody else. Historically Britain repeatedly pulled back from the brink, there were compromises (e.g. in 1832), and we did not have the revolution others experienced. The question is: Will the over-mighty ease off again this time around? Or will the pressure build up unreleased?