There it is, I can still see it, not very stealthy is it ... Sorry mate, I didn't see you What are the red bits for, make it easier to spot, in case you lose it Eh?
Polygon - invented by Mormons for men who like more than one woman. Two Mormon blokes knocked at my door last week, and I was disgusted by their ignorance. The had no idea in which direction Mecca lay.
Very unusual and can see where he's coming from however,I feel that the original may have more value.
This is by David Gwyther - or Dave death spray as hes known. My pal james runs/owns kingdom of kicks, that crowd do some amazing stuff with bikes If anyones at the bike shed on sat theyll be there along with a few special bikes.
It just looks like vynl triangles stuck on, like those used on disguise kits fitted to prototype vehicles that are being road tested.