Steering lock works when ever it wants

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by MultiMan, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. :mad: Steering lock works when ever it wants.
    I always use the steering lock. i've been doing it for the past 13000km. Recently though, it works only when ever it wants.
    when i turn off the Red switch and turn the steering either on the right or left, the massage "ready to lock" does not show up on the LCD monitor!
    Any comments on that!
    #1 MultiMan, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013
  2. Sounds to me that the steering lock works whenever it wants. :smile:
  3. There was a tech bulletin on the lock and software on the earlier bikes. Might be worth checking with your dealer if your bike was affected and whether it was done?
  4. Mine started playing up and they replaced the switchgear.
  5. Thats the last thing you want to start working at 70 mph.
  6. Same as the electronic fuel cap; has a mind of its own.

  7. If you turn the steering far enough for it to engage at 70mph I'd suggest you're already in the middle of a very large and expensive crash :biggrin:
  8. Good one!! ha ha!:smile:
  9. good one and accurate observation
  10. Check for work/play your sidey-springs, (see tech manual), there's a couple to springs that open up and work as a sensor to allow the rivet to pop out - is it happenning for both sides? also put a tiny bit of chain lube on the rivet pop out thing. Apart from that then its a replacement ASAP - biggish job as it needs tank off / so panels and lots off.
  11. Thanks Bugsbunny. i ve already talked with the dealership and they are going to replace it.
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