Sticky Clutch Lever

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by rivets, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Hi. Riding home last night in slow traffic the clutch lever felt very sticky, just like a badly lubed cable. Once home, engine off, operating the clutch lever made a "graunching" sound from the clutch housing. This seemed to ease after around 30 squeezes. Went for 30 min ride and it seems OK. Bikes done 5000m, searched the forum but found nothing, has anyone else experienced this or got any wise words of wisdom?
  2. I believe this is a common issue down to the slave cylinder and tolerances, was it raining when you were riding?

    Had mine swapped after a Euro tour last year riding through heavy rain for around 10 hours
  3. Yes it is a known problem which would be changed under warranty but a few have gone with aftermarket slave cylinders. I am considering getting one of these from JHP Ducati Coventry

    JHP Parts Products - JHP Billet Clutch Slave Cylinder

    Supposed to be a lot better than the offerings from Oberon etc
  4. Thanks very much for your responses, I've only had the bike a couple of months, but I took out the extra 12 month warranty so i'll see if it happens again
  5. This has been a problem on the 848 too, gets sticky when hot fine when cold. Should be some info on the superbike section.
  6. I experienced this last year whilst doing the Normandy Landings due to lots of slow & stop start riding, the clutch became very stiff & made a noise when released but has been fine since so I aven't done anything more about it.
  7. Only had one problem with the bike when clutch was cold,The clutch take up point had moved when pulling away from a junction by my house as i accelerated away the clutch started to slip :eek:
    As soon as the motor warmed up the clutch went back to normal and i have not had a problem since,possible sticking slave or master, dealer mentioned could be a sticking slipper clutch but i think he was just thinking out loud as the bike has been fine since.
  8. Thanks again for all the info, the bike was cold and had got wet in the morning, seems ok now so I'll keep an eye on it, I have noticed that the clutch bite point seems to move during a ride but I put it down to everything getting fully warmed up. First thousand miles done and loving this bike more with every mile.....
  9. I had something similar last winter, sprayed the bike down with the jet time I rode the clutch would not disengage ie pull the lever, change gear, release lever, power/ gear never comes! Then suddenly wham....bikes in gear head snaps back and off you go....learned to pump the lever and sometimes this helped!

    Cant remember if it only happened when cold, or if it got better when warm! Brought me to a complete standstill once or twice!

    It slowly over a number of weeks improved, and now it's gone completely, so happy again!

    I assume water got in somewhere from the pressure washer, so now only use the hose pipe!
  10. Mine was playing up not so long back and it turned out I had lost the bottom slave cylinder bolt which was enough to take it out of plumb when presure was applied
  11. I had a slightly different issue yesterday on the last day of my 2 week, 3500 km ride. I started the bike in the morning but couldn't get it to go into neutral... it was hard to get into first then I had to pull up fairly hard to get it to N, but instead it passed right over N and went straight into 2nd. No matter what I tried I could not get it into N with the engine running. I suspected the clutch was dragging and had about 300 km to get home so kept going. Throughout the day it got progressively worse until by the end of the day as I arrived home I had almost no clutch. When I pull the lever it travels about 60% of the way before dis-engaging. I also notice the fluid in the resource seems darker than than it used to be. I suspect the slave cylinder has blown a seal, but I'll call the dealer when they open tomorrow and let them have a look at it. It's under warranty so no issues there but annoying on a new bike this year with only 8000 km...

    If anyone has had any experience with a similar issue please let me know,

    thanks, DD
  12. Mine has a very severe clutch first thing when cold, it's piss easy to stall it for the first few miles but is fine when warm.
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