Stolen White Pearl Ducati 848 Wandsworth

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by pedrogodi, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Well another sad post and it seems to be quite common these days.. My white pearl ducati 848 was stolen from my building garage during last month of Feb. I didn't use it for a while so last friday when I went to the garage the bike was not there..They cut the lock and left it there on the floor.. incredible no neighbor saw the lock on the floor or even questioned the fact that the bike had been missing. CCTV only keeps footage for 5 days so it was impossible to see anything in CCTV.

    I will post some pics of the bike and also the frame number and engine

    Engine number is ZDM848W4011703

    Frame number - zdmh600aa9b011694

    Anyone just keep an eye on white 848s (this one has a plate 68-LB-88 and has some stickers on the side right below the 848 saying



  2. Bastards! I live in North London and will keep an eye out for you. Was the garage secure or was it fairly open? What havs the police said? Tracker?
  3. Sorry to hear about this....finger crossed that its found :frown:
  4. Oh dear, sorry to hear that. I've saw you on Trinity Road last month and thought it was a gorgeous bike.

    Fingers crossed it's found.
  5. No tracker in the bike unfortunately.. Police said there isn't much they can do about it!

    Do you guys know what happens to a stolen bike? They don't have any keys so do they change ignition and electronics or they just disassemble the bike and sell the pieces?

  6. Guess that depends on the thief... stolen to order or opportunist.

    I would imagine one of a few things:-

    It'll get shipped out of the country

    It'll be broken for spares

    It'll be sold under a different reg etc

    Track/race bike
  7. Hate to say it, but its probably been broken for spares by now :frown:
  8. I wonder if there is enough market to sell the parts ..

    ducatis are not very common, not hondas or yamahas and normally who owns a ducati actually treats it right and picks a proper service dealer for maintenance, so that just leads me to believe that actually dealers are part of the scam :/
  9. There is more of a demand then you think. A lot of 848's are used as track bikes not to mention 848 challenge series. I would like to think that dealers are not part of anything apart from serving the customer honestly and ethically.
  10. Tough luck fella, it'll be broken up and on ebay by now. :frown:
  11. So that also leads to me think that we as "ducati owners" and specifically these challenge series guys kind of help these bastards.. by buying parts that are stolen! we provide the market to these fellows to operate..
  12. 2/10 for the rant - and how do you suggest we discover the parts are stolen?
  13. I speak for myself but I would never buy anything online just to make my bike look good.
    I would buy online only from an authorized dealer .. of course invoice necessary!
  14. Problem is that's you're single opinion unfortunately.

    Someone could drop their bike accidentally and need say clipon, lever, footpeg, side panel quite easily I'd bet that would be near a £1000 from a dealer new, probably 1/2 that 2nd hand on Ebay unfortunately.

    Realistically what would most people do?
  15. This is the kind of thought that our friendly "fellows" really like to hear and that will keep their "business" alive for many years!
    Just save more, work more, live a honest life and then go to a dealer and fix your bike..or else you are as a thief as they are
  16. Largely true of any commodity that has a second value, that is less than brand new cost,-there will always be a market for 'recycled' goods.

    And some will indeed say that the re sale of second hand stuff ( I refuse to use the term 'pre-owned ) is good for "the environment "

    unfortunately that can have 'orrible consequences, from the members of society with less than total integrity.

    hope you get your bike back.

  17. Sorry to read this, I work down in London a bit so will keep an eye open when I'm down there. Though, like a few have already said, it has probably been broken up by now :(
  18. A Dutch bike? (ie, not insured/MOT/taxed here in the UK = no formal record of it on UK roads)

    Could it have been SVA'd and put onto the roads here?
  19. What a bastard, feel for you

    But the % of used spares on ebay stolen would be minimal, or plod wold be all over it to improve their stats, so 2nd had buyers are not at fault for someone nicking your bike; thats the theiving scum who think stealing is om
  20. Sorry to hear about your loss mate. Peeps may remember i had my 1098s stolen in January, so the feelings and anger you are going through right now i can fully empathize with. I know a lot of guys will say the parts will be on ebay soon, but the reality is more than likely that it is either abroad as i type or on it's way there. If you actually do a proper search on ebay, there are in fact very few Ducati parts on there and even fewer regular dealers. Bikes stolen in the Uk get very good prices in Europe because they were cheaper here in the first place, but more importantly we have no power limits on our bikes...................most of Europe does of course. I hope you get it back, but if my experience is anything to go by, don't expect to.
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