Streetfighter V4s Burnt Bbs

Discussion in 'Streetfighter' started by seanv4s, Mar 27, 2023.

  1. Hi. I’m new to this but hoping to find answers.
    I own a 2020 Streetfighter V4s and never gave a problem.
    last week I took out batter to recharge as was completely dead.
    when fullI placed back and after connecting negative a little puff of smoke came up. Smelt strange too. Plastic smell
    I thought nothing of it until I turned the key on.
    dash started flashing. ABS error, DTC error, blinkers flashing, and all buttons seemed disabled.
    bike started anyway but had no quick shift either.
    Took bike to tech and plugged in. Several BBS faults came out.
    disconnected batter again but after connecting more smoke. Turns out BBS got fried.
    now ordered but wondering what caused it. Don’t want the same to happen on installing new bbs.
    Has anyone experienced this before ?
  2. I've blown fuses... But it was quickly spotted and fixed. First I've heard of a complete meltdown like that. Got any ancillary's or accessories wired in anywhere ? Sounds like something shorted.

    What's a "bbs" ?
  3. Hi, we also found a burnt fuse. no accessories apart for battery charger cables which were not even connected when this happened.
    BBS is what they also call the Black Box Unit.
  4. Ah ECU we call it here. The fuse boxes sit either side of the battery so thats likely where the smoke came from. But without new wiring I probably can't advise on what could have caused it to go funny. By chance, you didn't try turning the heated Grips on did you ? I did that, and THAT's what blew my fuse.
  5. Ah ok.
    No smoke culprit was def the black box. didn't turn anything on.
    i have a heated grips on but didn't think they worked so never touched :)
  6. Yeah, same here. I hit the button by accident and it blew the 15amp. No idea why
  7. Hey Sean, Kif int? Tajjeb?

    Kind of related…..

    I have family in Malta and an apartment in Melliehah. We have people go to/from Malta quite often (I am coming in July) so if you need smaller parts brought from UK, let me know.

    Just thought I’d offer.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Heyy tajjeb thanks!! :)
    thank you for the offer.
    the new part should have arrived and will update here as soon as its in place!
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