I have often wondered how it can be more financially beneficial to strip one of the rarer Ducati models and having had a conversation last night from a collector from London who has almost disbanded his very large collection I am still a lil confused. Yes, all his lesser exotic Ducati's: SP's SPS's and R models have been systematically stripped & sold in bits - as he gets a far higher return he says. With most of this type of bike being worth around £15 up to £30k now I cannot fathom how this can add up financially beneficial to the seller. Forgetting the hassle of stripping / storing/ listing and logistics behind all this as an on cost - by the time the frame and log book / engine and a few different higher spec body parts in some instances have gone - how do you get to an average value of parts of around £22k most of what is left is lower value stuff from base models anyway. In fact the only bikes he will sell in one piece are his exotic Corse Bikes but they are coming up soon at mega bucks (no info on these sorry, as he doesn't want them highlighting on Forums ) I guess the ones left become rarer but for what additional gain are these bikes being lost forever Don't do it peeps
Terrible thing to do to such machines, IMHO - lost and gone for ever! He should have them confiscated - and it should not be about the money !
often wondered the same thing. R frames and engines don't go for that much and apart from money grabbing bastards asking moon beams for a tank, there can't be too much to be made from the rest. .
I hate to see any bike broken. Apart from This of course. EliteSuperTurd does OK. Although he lies through his teeth doing it.
I don't see that a true collector and admirer of the things he collects would go to the lengths of breaking them to further his financial gain. Most collectors regard themselves as the patron of the item before someone else gets the chance to covet and hold onto it till the next and so on ..... The guy sounds the anti of a collector, a money grabbing bastard!
Philistine comes to mind for mebut if you need to fix your bike then this is the only way forward I just don`t believe this story!
Wouldn't this indicate it's not such a bright idea as you can be left with some very pricey stuff that o can't see anyone in their right minds buying. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/263494381894 Surely a whole 999R is worth more than what this will sell for + what's been removed????