Struggling With This New Tax Law

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by gregotch, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. if i buy tax tommorow for my bike which runs out on the 30th,as this is before the oct 1st date,will i still have to cash it in when i sell the bike?.
    also how do i tax the new bike if i have to wait for dvla to send the logbook back,this often takes a month and if theres more people doing it it can only take longer.?
    this is going to kill bike and car sales surely?

    baffled to fk here.looks like ill be forced to break the law if i want to buy a secondhand bike at some time.
  2. the dvla site is shite,confusing as hell.
    seems its all done instantly in the postoffice with tear off slip.
    still got to get to the postoffice mind,how stupid.
    #2 gregotch, Sep 18, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2014
  3. It's shit I think - is there anything on the DVLA web site? Your new tax will start on the 1st so yes it will fall under the new rules.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. The bad part of this change is when you sell your bike you can only get a refund on the remaining full months, and the buyer has to tax it from the start of the current month. On the face of it a blow to mid month sales, but in reality assuming tax is £20/month, so you loose £10, and the buyer wastes £10. So its not going to stop the sale but multiplied by the 000`s of sales monthly a nice earner for the DVLA.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. its a very very fragile system,firstly relying on your insurer updating some database immediatly you get the insurance,which far as i know they dont do,what happens if you turn up to po and insurance hasnt been put on their database,still insured but illegal cos you cant tax.
    i foresee lots of violent happenings in postoffices.:Hilarious:.
    guess ill be keeping the Tbird a while longer.
    makes more sense now to own two bikes
  6. It will get more confusing if adding to a multi bike policy - only 1 bike showed up on mine out of 3 on the policy 3 years ago!
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  7. It's all on the DVLA site. On the up side I think that you can now pay monthly. But yes what a nice little number. And it stops the pikee used dealers cashing in tax discs from trade ins.
  8. Or if you are not insuring it, but taking it home to stick in the garage for whatever reason. The CEO for DVLA was on TV this morning. Came across as a clown
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  9. how does the monthly thing work though,as if you sell bike and buy another,do you end that monthly scheme and then start another?.
    i would presume theres something new to do each time,looks like itll be endless direct debits,thatll cheer up natwest.nobody will have a clue whats going on by end of next year.
    i get through anything up to four bikes a year,more sometimes,i take our dvla are the same people that "fix" ebay.
    if it isnt broken then break it.
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  10. That's what crossed my mind Bradders, because the other question it throws up is just how much big brother infrastructure will there be to support this?

    In theory a traffic warden will be equipped with the means to check your tax / insurance / mot status instantly. I wonder how councils will collect their opportunist revenue now?
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  11. Easy..those 3 days when its not taxed, because the guy has sold it and you haven't picked it up yet and he did it on 30th so he got a full month, is going to cost you the tax plus£80 fine plus £50 admin.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. infrastructure is in for a hammering.
    postoffices have been closing steadily all over the place,the ones left are going to see a big rise in usage.
    my local one gets confused if you try to post more than three parcels at a time.
    the dvla has been laying off steadily as well past few years,so can only imagine the increased workload thisll create will be handled by some new goverment supercomputer..

    oh dear..:(
  13. i see an increase in short sorns closely followed by an upsurge in bike trailers sales.
    have to go and pull my trailer out the weeds n undergrowth tommorow i think.
    best get a towbar sorted for the new car as well,spect theyll go up in price now as well.
  14. We should start a Ducati Forum - trailer for beer rental program - I have one in York :Happy:
    Shall we?
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  15. ive got one somewhere in the garden heheh,havent used for a long time as car hasnt a towhitch,,yet. ;)
    ill dig it out and give it a service i think,i forsee it becoming useful again.:upyeah:
  16. Or just put the no plate from another bike you have on it and ride it away...
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  17. bradders: "just off to the dealers/asda carpark etc to get some numbers"

  18. Good point, and I know that some councils have had the arrogance to dish out fines to "vehicles not diplaying a valid tax disc", but at the end of the day, surely it is not the business of traffic wardens to check on these things?

    They are supposed to to enforce parking regulations and therby to ensure smooth traffic flow, or at least they were when first introduced (in the 1960s?), before local authorities realised that they could make huge amounts of money out of motorists.
  19. Ahh but is it a trailer? Have you rung the manufacturer to confirm it is what it says it is? :p
  20. And is it taxed?,apparently theyre bringing in tax for trailers and caravans next.
    mines ok, was formally a small caravan and the chassis plate says it was built in 1957 so is exempt from everything they can dream up.
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