so the paedo only got 15 months then, and they call it justice...yes i know he was sentenced based on the guidelines at the time, but it seems wholly unjust..yet another pervert bought and paid for by the tv licensing scam.
Still puzzled by all this. If he liked kiddies, along with the others accussed, why did he stop liking them 30 years ago?! Maybe there is a cure no one has shared...
I'm sure that theres no smoke without fire but I'm also struggling to understand why it's taken 40 odd years for these allegations to come to light. That is a rhetorical question btw
Not just the guidelines, the maximum sentences prescribed by law at the time. When Parliament changes the law it very rarely makes the changes retrospective, and never makes increased criminal sentences retrospectively more severe than they were when the offence was committed. That really would be wholly unjust and wrong in principle.
The offender is now 83 years old. Most people by that age have lost interest in sex long since of any variety, especially if they are doddery and confused. Advanced age does not mean offenders should be let off, but realistically it must be taken into account in sentencing. Stuart Hall will probably serve his sentence in a prison hospital. Is that really so hard to understand?
What upsets me is the fact that while the offences were taking place and for years after he has had a very good living and lifestyle which cannot be taken away. In my opinion he should never be reliesed. Steve
You really are an antagonistic fella, aren't you?! The point, which you know and clearly choose to omit so again can cause some kind of row with someone, is if you are a paedo, and he is now guilty of being having also admitted it, how can a man in his 50's, when I plan to still be knocking the missus senseless on occasion, feck that in my 70's I still plan to be with some help, suddenly stops when it surely was becoming easier to find a source for his pleasure? So was it a peer thing, or a sexual preference thing, in which case if the latter how has this been controlled over the last 30 years. is that easy enough to understand? Anyway...hopefully the victims will now feel justice has been done
And in February he said it was all lies and malicious 15 months isn't enough It's about time these people were given tougher consequences for their perverted actions