Subscription to the site?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. What do you get for this?
  2. More storage space for PM's and Images and no pesky adverts.....:upyeah:
  3. You also get to go into the secret room :wink:

    Only joking :biggrin:
  4. Shhhh!!!
  5. What adverts ?
  6. In the header and footer at the top and bottom of the page......

    If you've not got them and not paid I be keeping that one to yourself :wink:
  7. And this costs us how much ??
  8. It was 15 quid I think when the site first opened but since the site crashed and was re-opened on another server the button has gone from the top of the page, so I'm not sure........Ask Rob
  9. Okies , thank you :)
  10. Yep £15 :smile:
  11. Thanks guys, Archer keeps getting 'your inbox is full' emails so I might subscribe him :)
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