Suggestion Regarding 'for Sale' Posts

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by John W, Aug 13, 2024.

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  1. When an item is sold, would it be possible to not only set it to locked but change the red tag from 'For Sale' to maybe a grey 'Sold'.
    Then people (especially those who don't look very often) can see at a glance what is still available :)
  2. We ask sellers of multiple items to mark each item that is sold, as and when they are sold, to make things easier for people looking to buy.

    Unfortunately not everyone does so. And as we do this voluntarily, and have lives outside this forum, we haven’t got time to sift through every single post made on the site to do this. This is the sellers responsibility.

    We can, and do, close threads when an item/all items on a thread is sold. That’s if we are told about it.
  3. Hi El Toro, I do appreciate you guys have a life, and appreciate it takes a bunch of time as I have run forums myself, just trying to help.
    I am not for one minute expecting you to trawl every for sale post.
    When people post along the lines of 'item sold, please close the thread', its an opportunity then to change the group it is in as well as / instead of close it.
    Or perhaps the thread starter could do the change if there was a 'Sold' category to select ?
    Maybe that way you don't even need to close the thread, so less work for you not more :)

    Another way might be to move the thread about to be closed into a 'sold' sub folder (granted that might be more work).
    If threads were tagged as sold though maybe an automated task could do this for you...

    I am not trying to make work for you guys, rather make it easier and better.
    It was just a suggestion, absolutely no problem at all if its not seen as helpful.

    all the very best.
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  4. Morning
    To save you looking at a sold and closed thread there is a lock icon to the side see pic.

  5. Good point. Well made :)
  6. Or maybe once sold the poster could just delete their thread?
    Or is this not possible?
  7. Thanks ducbird and el Toro.
    Yes I can see the padlock but that wasnt my point.

    Never mind, I won't lose sleep over it.
    Feel free to close or delete this thread :)

    Keep up the great work :upyeah:
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  8. No they can't delete threads
    A lock thread means sold simple :D
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  9. Thanks
    We do see you and hear you
    We are reliant on posters letting us know they have sold items
    The software would probably need upgrading to change colours
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  10. I always says what not broke doesn't need fixing :D
  11. A
    Ah ok.
  12. I accept that is one view, but with that attitude we would all be riding motorbikes with drum brakes and oil leaks, and using yahoo groups rather than dedicated forum software :p

    With only a little bit of full admin effort there was an opportunity to make your admin tasks easier too ;)
    As I said it was only a suggestion, and not a big deal.
    Lets move on.:beer::beer::beer:
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