Well, it seems my sump plug is basically fused to the engine. I've rounded 2 Allen keys, twisted a 3rd and the bolt it's self is not budging and I think at any moment, I'm gonna round this fucker. Any tips? Short of driving to Ducati and laughing at the stupidty of the engineer for over torqueing the thing.
Nvm, future advice for anyone looking. You're not trying hard enough. I just gave it some proper muscle (mini breaker bar situation) and it cracked loose.
Ducati use a stupid design for the sump plug with a tiny hex that rounds out. I have these on my bikes. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201360435284
Get a set of these; https://www-de.wera.de/en/great-tools/hex-plus/ Drives on the flats, not the corners, of Allen screws & bolts in a similar way to wall drive sockets for standard hex head bolts.
I’ve used a rattle gun in the past, as the Allen bolt had started to round and it was truly chite or bust.
Yea, I have one but couldn't find the bugger. I think the wife's pinched it for some wood work and left it somewhere!! I need another one...