Despite making efforts; driving up on to the top of the South downs in Sussex, the forces of nature typically conspire to block any astronomical occurrences from my view. Last night was a rare exception, there was loads of cloud about, but it all blew away around 11:30 and I had a fantastic show. There are some great photo's here:See the supermoon! Awesome photos of the June 2013 full moon | Human World | EarthSky
Cool - so an ocular occurence finally possible John - typically with my lack of mental momentum I thought you meant it was tonight
I woke up this morning around 02:00, grabbed a glass of Tescos finest orange juice and was standing in the kitchin looking at the moon for about 10 mins. Pretty amazing sight
I must have missed something. I was driving to the airport at 2.10am when I remembered the "super" full moon. So I specifically looked at it as the sky was clear. It looked like an ordinary full moon to me.
thinking back I did see one by accident once and wondered if something had gone wrong cosmically as had never seen it as large before (or was it at a Jean Michelle Jarre concert?)