
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnboy, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. ok one for the geeks
    so arguing with the kids (when will i learn )
    who is your favorite super hero/villain and why
    and does sheldon cooper class as a super villain.............. according to my ten year old son he does
  2. dangermouse_02_200x250.jpg

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  3. Batman and The Hulk. Easily the best two characters ever written (in comic books anyway - although you can easily argue Batman is one of the best characters of all time)
  4. Deadpool, for both!
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  5. Does the soup dragon count?
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  6. Cooperman
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  7. Wonder Woman

  8. From Sainsburys cereal packets, Captain Cereal - if only for his highly imaginative and cerebral name....
  9. Batman- cool suit, loads of gadgets and a shit load of money. Plus one of the coolest bikes ever in the tumbler. Closely followed by ironman.

    Villains- loads to choose from, but Heath ledgers joker has to be up there as one of the best.

    bannana man trumps them all though!

    #11 abmatt2002, Dec 30, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
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  10. Eh, Ironman....Doh... I am the winner.:biggrin:
  11. Captain Scarlet obviously, because he is invincible. What do I win?
  12. Indestructible not invincible.
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  13. Scarlet wasnt a superhero he was a puppet ;-)

    And is Batman a superhero? He has no powers :wink:
  14. banana man top notch
    bit of an x-men fan myself
    wolverine fair in the running
  15. So what is a superhero? X-men are not, as they exist in in a world of mutants. Or am I overthinking this... :eek:
  16. Overthinking me thinks:wink:
  17. No, he was real.....not having any of it.....;)
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