Superpole seat for 848/1098

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by Phill748, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. Hi, Tried doing a quick search but didn't find a great deal. Can anyone tell me if the Superpole seat is actually a comfort seat also? it looks much thicker so I wondered if this is the case?
  2. Been quite a few threads and I posted up pictures when I had one on my 1098.

    To answer your question I would say definitely not, its pretty much rock hard. Quite grippy mind and my experience is if your a short arse like me you'll hate it but if your 6'+ you'll probably like it. It places you a couple inches higher, I couldn't live with it and sold it on.

  3. It has a different profile and it's thicker but from what I heard it's quite hard and has little to do with comfort. Not 100% sure tho.
  4. Yup, adds a bit of height which was great for me at 6'3". I found it pretty comfortable tbh, it's not soft by any stretch but very grippy and the profiling helps to make it comfortable I think. Had it on my 848 for over a year and was very happy with it. Probably best to see if you can find one to sit on first and see how you find it
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  5. DP seat has the same profile as stock and same padding but is much more grippy.
    Sargent has different profile and is more comfy but IMHO is not grippy enough.
    Stock one is shit.
  6. Cheers all, Damn I am going to miss my Triumph Gel Seat....
  7. I bought one a few weeks back and to be honest, I don't get a numb ass now! Its not a soft seat but its a lot thicker than the standard plank. Where are you based, I am sure someone nearby would let you have a sit on theirs. ooooerrrr misses......
  8. Haha ta, I'm near Newbury. I like the fact you are sat more 'in' the bike than on the daytona so I don't wanna raise the seat height and put more pressure on the wrists. Will just see how I get on, I did slide onto the tank a LOT when braking though... Will look around. I don't wear leathers which makes it worse I think
  9. Bought one for my 848 about a month ago, yes it's solid but it's much better for me than the stock seat. I was worried about the extra weight on my wrists but I just seem to have gelled with the bike now & my wrists are fine.
    Only had my 848 for 3 months, did 5 years on a Speed triple beforehand & that was unbearable before I stuck a gel seat on it
  10. As Iceman said.

    If you are sliding (and with the stock seat you will) consider the DP performance seat. It's a lot grippier but the same profile, still a bit of a plank mind but at least not a greasy plank. I use one, had it and use/d it before and after the Superpole seat. I wear leathers almost exclusively when out and it makes an enormous difference to the enjoyment to be had. One of the best things I bought for the bike IMHO.

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  11. If only someone were selling a reasonably-priced DP seat in the Classifieds section... :wink:

    Gratuitous plug but I agree with all stated above - at 6'1 the Superpole gives me useful legroom but does put you a little 'on' not 'in'. DP seat grips much better but isn't any more comfortable than stock

  12. I have a superpole seat on my 1198s,and I find it way far better,and I'm only 5-8 in height,pitchs ya up a bit more,but ya don't slide about as much,defo for me worth the money
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