Search for this on Facebook. A good rideout destination for car nuts at Rykas, Box Hill. Surviving the Nightlife New car meeting at Cobham Services nr Leatherhead/Dorking. Will look out for next meeting date.
I give that meet no more han 3 or 4 weeks before the local council shut it down, like is happenng at almost every 2 and 4 wheel petrol head gathering trying to find a new home having been moved on. Real shame. Andy
Looking at those cars, I imagine it'll be a sea of Reebok Classics and "trackies" with a lot of people saying init and bruv.
I recon it'll be interesting to walk round and see what the younger generation do to their cars. I used to be like that with my cars but got old too quickly lol.
Next meeting has been confirmed as 21st Feb 19.00 to 22.00. Cobham Serives. All car clubs welcome along. I, for one, will be on the bike!
Might take a run up if the weather's good. Funny how it's always the ordinary cars (look to be Golfs in the drone footage) that park as if they're special whilst the flash stuff is parked properly.....mind you at 4:35 you can see Rob Hammond's "Hulk" parked in it's space but poking about 3 foot into the road. Looks a lot like the old days of the Lakeside cruise, which was always a favourite. Although I'm a bit old for most of the cars it'll be interesting to see what mods are in fashion.
Took the Monster to this. Got down with the Cobham massive & it made the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Night out though. Surviving The Nightlife Feb 2016 | Facebook
We did go but I didn't see any Ducatis there. We were there from about 7:00 to about 8:30. I quite enjoyed it but there were many cars there that were a bit "ordinary". Don't think I've ever seen so many 4 door Skylines before though. It'll be interesting to see where they go next, as I don't think that venue will be allowed again. Wasn't my 'stang there though. Might take a bike next time!!
Other than the fact they behaved! I used to do the Lakeside/Chelsea/Guildford car meets in the early '90s and the Oakdene/Merry Chest bike meets in the late '90s, where you'd get someone being a dick at the venue every time. This meet was really well behaved which will no doubt seem boring to some but will hopefully go some way to securing a future for the meet. Whilst there was a Police presence it was nothing compared to Lakeside or Chelsea back in the day. ......and that post made me feel really old....mentioning events from 20 years ago and praising good behaviour, I'll just go get me pipe and slippers.....
I know what you mean.We all like to see the burnouts,the drifting/wheelies,knee down stuff but theres a time and a place.In front of plod or Mr and Mrs Indignant of Blahville aint it.