Suspended because of twitter...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, May 23, 2013.

  1. I've had my fill of bike related threads for today, 3 high quality more than enough for Right then keyboard warriors, get your chops into this one.

    BBC News - Emma Way: Cyclist tweet 'my biggest mistake'

    stupid, left the scene of an accident, deserves someone having a word at least but suspended from work?! Check your FB statuses people....
  2. Well done, Bradders, it's about time we had a thread about social issues we can sink our teeth into and debate

    Way is a trainee accountant. Accountants need to be truthful and law-abiding - in theory obviously, LOL. I imagine there is something in her contract of employment about not bringing the firm's name or the profession into disrepute.

    "Biggest mistake". Heh. Shouldn't have bragged about that insignificant incident where she knocked over a cyclist whilst driving. Do people even listen to what comes out of their mouths?

    As an aside, when I first joined the Civil Service ... I was told that if I ever went into bankruptcy, I was liable to lose my job as a result. Certain types of behaviours are proscribed for certain kinds of profession.
  3. This is the problem nowadays, Action without responsibility.

    I stopped assessed the situation in my rear view mirror and drove on. If she hit a softer object with such force that a wing mirror was taken off a car doesn't she think injury would be likely? sorry, but her tweet reflected her whole attitude and outlook on other people, the only reason she is now regretting it is because she has been caught.

    Sorry she is a thoughtless twat and deserves everything she gets, of her own making or whatever the law prescribes.
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  4. She is stupid for tweeting such words really. It's like the guy who said he was going to blow up the airport if something or other didn't improve.

    Anyway I know how stressed she must have felt. I got accused of dangerous driving and leaving the scene of an accident. Mine was an little different because I never collided with a cyclist and they are pulling a crash for cash insurance scam on me at the moment. The other offences were dropped as there was no evidence. Doesn't stop the coont contacting the injury lawyers 6 months later though.
  5. Spur of the moment? Does that mean she was tweeting whilst driving as well :wink:. Oh dear, very silly woman, who deserves the book thrown at her IMO
  6. But potentially lose her job?
  7. Yep.
  8. For what? For a non proven act whereby the alleged victim didn't see fit to report (maybe because he was on the wrong side and gave her no where to go as she describes).

    Her crime ito get suspended s stupidity. Who has been guilty of that...
  9. 1. If she's done what she herself says she has done, she's proved herself to be unreliable - in the sense that accountants must be honest and reliable and not prone to illegal acts, ie leaving the scene of an accident.

    2. If she's lied about what she did ... see 1. above.

    She's not being sacked from her shelf-filling job at Tescos, she's being sacked for bringing the accountancy profession into disrepute, a profession that needs to be seen to be above-board and honest.
    Yes, I know that many accountants are more crooked and dangerous than an armed robber, but the profession itself won't admit that. They have to be seen to be cleaning house when they need to.

    She's done something a lot of people may have done and yes she's been been stupid, but her chosen profession cannot be seen to be taking on stupid or dishonest people.
  10. Clearly not many accountants on here then....hardline approach to a stupid young girl but soft line with terrorists? Ar liberal views at their best :upyeah:
  11. Welcome to Britain - England - er, the UK? I forget which is which :tongue:
  12. Same in my previous profession really. Conduct had to be above board all the time. They really frowned upon my insistence for individual detentions after school for sixth form female students.......................dunno why?
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  13. Fig [1]
    supervee, yesterday
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  14. Perhaps they should rename it.." TWATTER "
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  15. With my reputation? What were they thinking?

  16. she sounds like a turnip. personally ive cant be arsed with tw@tter and facebook.
  17. She's not getting suspended for hitting the cyclist, she's getting suspended for what she did afterwards. If someone does something that brings negative publicity about the company they work for they're going to get disciplined.

    I've been knocked off my bicycle 3 times in the last 10 years, none of them stopped, I've never reported it because I didn't get the reg and probably couldn't ID the driver either. What are you going to say while you're lying in A&E having bits of grit brushed out of your road rash, "I think it was a silver estate"??

    Only one passerby stopped as well, I even had people walk around me without saying anything while I was lying on the ground!
  18. Regardless of whose fault the incident was her tweet was really stupid. As far as suspending from work goes - the company does not want to be associated with such behaviour/image/attitude so they have the right to suspend her. You have to use a bit of common sense when you're posting on the Internet... if she's too stupid to understand this then she's probably not a very valuable asset to the company anyway.
  19. What an utter crock of BS!
    Really? There's nothing else newsworthy?
    WTF has it got to do with her employer? Next thing employees will be getting suspended for getting fVcked up on a Friday night!

    And where the fvck is my new Slipper Clutch? Been 3 whole days now! :frown:
  20. So the consensus seems to be suspension because of a dumb tweet, which only her friends should see anyway, is ok.

    Interesting. How will anybody hold down a job soon?! End of FB and Twitter??

    FB is ok but twatter is a mystery...
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