1200 Suspension Need Advice

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Dutchgixxer, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. I own a 2014 MTS the abs version.
    When braking hard the front suspension bottoms out very often.

    What springs are oem fitted front en rear ?
    I weight 105 kg nude, what springs to choose to improve the suspension ? I ride the multistrada most solo. Thanks in advance for your information .
  2. I think I am around the same weight and have an ABS. I dont have the issue even with full luggage, have you tried dialling in some changes ?
  3. They are long travel and fairly soft, set the sag and if you cant get in the right area change springs.

    Add compression to help stop the divingq...or take the bike to a pro and pay them
  4. Front should be 6nm/mm and rear 85nm/mm-125nm/mm (it is a double stage spring). It is normal that you bottom out, but what's your preload and what is your compression setting? Compression will help only in short braking, spring will help in the long ones but will maintain the front higher, that will mean less cornering (if you notice it, not anyone can)
  5. Hence set the sag. If its too high it wll push wide, and if its high and yet he's bottoming out heavier spring is needed

    You will have bumpstops in there anyway so wont have full travel I suspect?!

    I am 120 kg and ride a shyhook version, std preload and medium settings and ride reasonky brisk, use brakes hard at times, and dont feel it bottoming out
  6. I suffered the same issue, added more compression and damping helped. Became a bit harsh though.
    Had Andreani cartridge inserts fitted in November and now a different bike in comparison.
  7. That's a mental image I don't need!!!!

    Have you tried setting the static sag with preload? I believe its set at zero from the factory. It can take a fair bit of winding on to get it correct. Once the static sag front and rear are set so they match, then set the compression both ends so that matches and the then the same with the rebound. It should be ok then.....well it worked for me (and I weigh about 100kg clothed......)
    #7 PK1, Mar 4, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2015
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