Sw-motech 'blaze H' Panniers

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Cookie4010, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. CDCAFD4A-4770-4BC2-B066-1C723CECFE50.png Has anyone fitted these with Termignoni slip-on race cans fitted, and is there enough clearance? Thanks in anticipation.
  2. Help please, can someone who owns an R with stock cans measure from the ground up to the highest part of the can. When done please state whether bike was upright or on the side stand. Thanks.
  3. I have the Hepco and Becker bags fitted to my 1200 R and have Termis fitted, these come with spacers to move the righthand side out to clear the termis. 2nd picture not great, it looks like the bag is touching the pipes, it isn't. I think Hepco and Becker are they same as SW Motech, hope this helps. WP_20170811_001.jpg WP_20170811_002.jpg WP_20170811_003.jpg
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  4. Thread moved
  5. Just out of interest, how big are the waterproof liners that came with your H&B bags? I've just bought some and the liners are massive, so much so that I wondered if they had supplied the right ones.
  6. Thanks Mick, really appreciate your help
  7. Mick, I've removed the rear pegs, would your H&P's still fit?
  8. Given they are material, not plastic and so close to the exhaust, do you get the contents of the exhaust side stinking of petrol and exhust fumes?
  9. Iv'e taken off the rear pegs too.
  10. Not that iv'e noticed.
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