Swedish Gold !

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Tobytyke, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. You're not fckin kidding :Wideyed: I need some new fender mounts for the Ohlins as the current ones (pictured) place things slightly too high & forward so I enquired about the price for the correct ones which are available as a spare part. You can probably tell that I was somewhat shocked even though I knew they wouldn't be cheap, as they say you need to sit down for this one, who would like to hazard a guess?
    Bracket 2.JPG

    Even Kais guard dog was shocked o_O

    New Image.JPG
  2. So more than ten Bob and a blackie's egg?
  3. More like a Faberge egg!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. that's one odd looking dog you got there

  5. Looks like he is about to attack
  6. £35.95
  7. you have a one track mind ducbird.
  8. I wish :Grumpy:, you're miles out. It's hidden in this sequence of numbers :Greedy:

  9. £200 at a guess. I know the 6 bolt caliber brackets are >£400.
  10. £200 that's cheap for someone as rich as you bud
  11. how much do gardeners make?
  12. [QUOTE I know the 6 bolt caliber brackets are >£400.[/QUOTE]
    The price I was told, when I was looking for a pair of 6 bolt brackets ,was 800 euros the pair but.. "They are no longer available and Ohlins are not interested in making any more."...
  13. £456. I am more concerned at the look of surprise on the dogs face, what are you showing him kneeling down like that?
  14. £123456543.21p ?
  15. OK, I'll do the obvious, £654, they're 'avin a laugh :Greedy:
  16. Ohlins are shit anyway!
  17. Well folks the actual price was £432............I said you do realise these are just the teeny weeny little aluminium fender brackets and not the whole f'kin caliper bottom end :Wideyed: ...........they said Aye lad :Greedy:........Definitely on a different planet :Android:

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