Il be honest ... I'm pagan.. ( I wear a little Thor's hammer I was given all the time ). Not a witch or anything like that Although do not upset me or il ... On Christmas Eve I often sit and have a little quiet tipple and a toast, to family and absent friends . I make a firm point of it.. So tonight maybe take 5 and do that been a funny old year this one. I have not got any mead at home at mo.... but got Cloudberry vodka I made .. That will do fine. or take 5 have a quiet wee dram as my Gran would have said as she tried to ply everyone with Bushmills!!! its a good grounding point and I believe those not with us are as important as those with so include them x
i m astrong believer in carbon as the basis of it all.. But that should not be a free pass to egocentrism or , forbid, egoism... so 'iil have a quiet wee dram with ya...