Watch this. ........... That'll learn him. RAW - Motor Cyclist Escapes Death at Intersection In China - Caught on Cam - 28 January 2013 - YouTube
Lucky indeed , but judging by the ease at which he took off his helmet, I dont think safety is his number one priority
Bloody hell! Traffic in China is totally chaotic. If I had to drive/ride in Shanghai, I would have a nervous breakdown after 5 minutes.
Here's an even closer one. - India this time. Dramatic crash- Trucks runs over woman on scooter - - YouTube
Been to Shanghai many times, the traffic is complete chaos there are thousands of cars all trying to use the space like they have a ten lane motorway whereas it's like a normal little street or highway. Thank god we always had a driver to drive us everywhere you need eyes in the back of your head literally.
Saw that on the news yesterday. Classic case of hit what you're looking at. He just sits the bike up, but if the rider just kept looking at the apex he would have missed them by a good few feet.
the vultures always wait there with their cameras as it catches so many people out - have a look at the way the camber gradually slopes away i.e. - the opposite way to a 'banked' track.
As I have said before.......see what happens when frame slider bungs are fitted, tank, clip-ons and everything near the top of the bike hits the can see they have been ripped off the left side and bounce around in the road.....Right side ones are still fixed. AL
That particular corner must have been in about 87 different youtube crash or near crash videos. The only explanation I could come up with was when watching one of the videos where there was obvious run-off from the hill behind the crash. Don't know whats in them there hills but whatever it is it makes a channel on that corner very slippy!
Dave - "You know that road we saw on YouTube where everyone fell off their bike.. The mil holland one or something...." Peter - "Yeah I know the one..." Dave - "I'm going to ride my bike up there." Peter - "You're an idiot."
OK, doesn't everyone know that Mulholland Drive is the closest twisty road to Hollywood and Bel Air in LA? Every show-off, wannabe and nutcase in LA (and there are lots of those) goes up there. And they all love to be on camera, or operating one.