1200 Tank Bag Power Supply

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Sam1199, May 5, 2019.

  1. Does anyone have a power supply from the weird sized inner fairing socket to the tank bag, that they want to sell... before I head off to Ducati.

    Why you should need 3 USB sockets I don’t know but that seems to be what they do.

    Or does any know what size or name the socket on the inner fairing is?
  2. It’s called a DIN plug, lots available on eBay. Available as a finished assy. or just the connector to build your own. Here’s one example:
    #2 Robert Stewart, May 5, 2019
    Last edited: May 5, 2019
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  3. I bought the Givi power hub from Nippy Normans (it's the same as the Ducati one) except for the plug. I then cut off the supplied DC connector plug and used a right angled Hella plug. This is more expensive than the straight plugs but works better in the space as you can direct the wire above or below the handlebars depending on how you plug it in.

    I must note that it blew the 10 amp fuse when away in the Ardennes last month, haven't tried it since, but I think I may have shorted the socket somehow. Will try again this week and see if it does that again.
  4. Hi where is this plug on the inner fairing ?
  5. To the right and below the instruments. I think the OP has a 1200 DVT. Or is this just the 1260?

  6. It’s same place on a 2015 DVT too. There is also one under the seat iirc (or that may be previous twinspark model)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. On the 1260 DVT there's another Hella socket under the seat as well as a USB.
  8. All locations stated are correct on the 1200 DVT.

    1 Hella/din plug on the inner right fairing. 12v
    1 Hella/din plug under the seat. 12v
    1 USB socket under the seat. 5v
    • Agree Agree x 1
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