1199 Tank Protector Application

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Bazz, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. Bought myself some carbon fibre tank protector things last week but didn't come with any application. Was just wondering what would be best to use to stick em to the tank that wont cause damage if i ever want to remove them in the future? 3m tape, silicon?
  2. I'm interested to know what you end up using as I will need to re-stick some tech-spec grips soon. I've read before about using aquarium sealant, but I would like to know if there is something else people recommend.
  3. I would be careful in your choice of any sort of sealant. Some require evaporation of the solvent content to cure which could affect the paintwork. I am in the same situation with R&G carbon tank protectors on order and I have to say, I hadn't considered aquarium sealant. Any follow up on success or failure will be greatly appreciated. Andy
  4. think i might go for some 3m double sided tape
  5. Good choice, I'm not sure about sealants etc so I think I'm going to do the same with mine!
  6. Do the R&G protectors not come with an adhesive? That would really surprise me!
  7. if I were to install a tank protector, I would put something like a ventureshield and a 3m double sided tape for the protector.

    with that, if I had to uninstall the tank protector , It would not damage the paint.
  8. Don't know until they arrive but I'll let you know when they do. Andy
  9. Tank edge protectors have arrived ............ complete with a tube of aquarium sealant, guaranteed to stay flexible and waretight for 10 years. Andy
  10. Great stuff. I've stuck my knee grips onto my 899 now and I used aquarium sealant in the end too.
  11. Aquarium sealant it is too then, will try pick some up the weekend.
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