Has anybody had any experience of removing those numerous different types of scratch protectors without taking the paint off your fuel tank? You'll see from the shot below that my one is a somewhat unsightly monstrosity, that I inherited from the previous owner - so I would like to replace it with a clear one. Obviously I want to remove the big black one without taking the paint off, but this obviously depends on what it's stuck on with in the first place. The pad you can see is quite thick and doesn't look like it is going to bend very much, if I start trying to peal it away from a corner, but I don't want to start until I hear any ideas or personal experiences you might have? Any thoughts or advice would be welcome...
The "gentle" application of heat from a hair dryer or a paint stripper gun on low will release the adhesive bond enough to get your nails under the protector and pull it away. I also found that ACF 50 spray or clone melts the adhesive as well. Andy
Yep as Andy says you have to heat it up to melt the glue, then persuade it off with your fingers. Horrid job to be honest. Don't be tempted to scrape it off with anything, even a kitchen spatula. Its a long job, so take your time
hairdrier to soften the glue wd40 or gt85 to break down the glue then carefully use dental floss (the dental tape is even better) to slice through the glue a bit at a time just take your time doing a little by little and you should not mark the paint