Tape ALL their mouths up!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Kids today are molly coddled. I used to get the 'tor' frequently at school in scotland, the cane or the slipper in england. Ive been assualted, slapped and kicked by teachers. Man up you little shits. Oh and fucking walk to school too, lazy sods. Oh and do a paper round AND a milk round before you walk 3 miles to school. Bastards.

    Beatings and overwork made me that balanced, moderate and erudite fellow I am today. Never hurt me. bastards!
    • Like Like x 9
  2. viva el presidente! :biggrin:

    El presidente - The Young Ones - BBC comedy - YouTube

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  3. Ah,the good old days.Remember them well,especially the sadistic bastards pretending to be teachers.Don't think todays little treasures are allowed to walk anywhere,something to do with H and S I think.
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  4. "Tape ALL their mouths up!"

    ....including the moany parents.
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  5. My kind of teacher.
  6. The Deputy Head at my school was known as The Baron............he was a well built (very) short brick sh*thouse and wouldn't put up with any truck no matter how minor..........he would grab your nose hard between the forefinger and second finger knuckles and either lead you outside the class or twist it really hard........

    ........one guy took offence and snotted on The Baron's hand..............we were never sure what happened after that, because the pupil didn't appear again.........

    ......perhaps The Baron buried him.....
  7. Forget the tape expandable foam is the future.
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  8. Just seen this on the box and according to one of the parents,her child has been traumatized because of this.Oh please,how ever did this finish up on BBC 24 with all of the other real issues surounding the world at this time.Obviously the teach shouldn't have done this but a bit of selotape over the mouth ?? Hello.
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  9. I remember the deputy head punching me in the back for chatting up the french mistress. A kid mouthed off to the head of the art department,said teacher picked up the chair with the kid still on it and hurled it out the door. A wood work teacher had to be restrained from tightening up a vice with a kid's head in it. The head of the french department looked and dressed like Herman Goering while the Tech Drawing teacher looked like Adolf Hitler (he used to ride a Lambretta and told all us kids that if we got in his way while he was riding down the drive he would run us over,which I saw him do twice ).
    It cost me 20 Woodbine's when the metalwork teacher caught me 'borrowing' a piece of metal tube to make a firework mortar
    I did on a later occasion accidently bump in to the deputy head resulting in him standing in the school pond.
  10. Well, what did you expect at Eton ?
  11. my maths teacher used to spank us?
    check this out on u tube.. Derick and Clive "sir" don't know how to do a link.
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  12. What was it with maths teachers - I remember ours hurling a chair across the classroom - thankfully normally it was only board rubbers
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  13. My 5th form teacher used to refer to us by our christian names.
    When you transgressed you were called up in front of the class and asked if you wanted to be dealt with ' as a man' or 'as a boy'. As a boy it was the cane as a man it was the first but you got first go.
    This teacher was an ex Royal Marine Commando and he could take it and give it. If he saw you in a pub at night (you would be well under age) he bought you a pint.
    He was the only teacher I respected.
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  14. they is mad.
  15. Fucking love Derek and Clive

    "I'll tell you, the other day some bloke came up to me and ....."
  16. you ****.
  17. what happen there? i spelt ****
  18. **** ****
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