Tax disc holder position?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by davekip, May 23, 2012.

  1. Anyone found a good position for a tax disc holder?
  2. on your jap bike. Why not ask your mummy?:upyeah:
  3. Oh FFS not again.
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  4. Stick it up your arse :upyeah:
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  5. What's a tax disc holder? What does it do?
  6. It's a traffic cone wrapped in razor wire, Shove it up your arse and find out :upyeah:
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  7. Excellent friendly advice, cheers guys.

    So pleased I asked.
  8. well where do think you will put it? It's not hard to find a place really. just use your imagination. Who gives a F really.
  9. I will be charitable and assume you are new to Ducati and therefore the associated fora.

    Over the last few years the "Where can I fit my tax disc?" question has been asked maybe five quadrillion times so it has become one of those questions that attracts massive hoots of derision, because really, who has ever been pulled for not displaying?

    The answer is "wherever the hell you can", via " You don't need to, the old bill know if you're taxed or not" to "A sticky thing on your windscreen"

    Whatever you do, don't ask about oil......
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  10. It's on the desk in my office under a pile of paper work, where the last 8 have been!!!!

    never displayed a tax disc for 8 or more years.

    Sorry if the previous replies touched a nerve, but, rob 998 explains it well :wink:

    Ps: Rob998' what oil do you recommend for hot days, and what tyre pressure for track days :tongue:
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  11. For optimal italian performance oil I always recommend EVOO Monograde and as for tyres I find 250psi pure helium to be caseystonerish.
  12. Hi Rob, no not new to Ducat's - 12 in the last 15 years and always found somewhere half decent to put the disc holder the 1199 offered no easy solutions the dealer had fixed to the back of the bloody number plate holder.
    Posted the same questions elsewhere and got some good feed back a picture, shame on here people have to respond with aggression and abuse- if they didn't like the question why bother even posting a reply? Don't know why I'm even posting this as no doubt it in it s self will draw more abuse.
    Never mind it's not the replacement for Ducatisti I thought it might be by the looks of it, shame.
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  13. Didn't someone ask the tyre pressure question the other day?! :wink:
  14. Think you would have had the same response there tho to be fair, as that's where most of the above come from
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  15. Really I'm surprised, I accept the keep it in your wallet etc and perhaps a general lack of interest which is fine- abuse? No need in my opinion (of course).
  16. Dave, I think that most people thought you were taking the pi55 (I certainly did), as this has been laughed about for some considerable time!This place is an excellent replacement for the former forum, and any abuse above should be seen as banter!All the questions that I have asked regarding things with my 999 have been answered by genuine & knowledgable folk.Cheers thenCJ
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  17. I thought this thread was hilarious! And yes, the question has become such a cliché that everyone assumes it is being asked as a wind-up. But naturally the over-the-top replies are to be taken in the same vein. You're just unfortunate in stumbling on the one question that must never be asked!

    Grudges are not borne here. Have a chortle at the replies and you will find this is a very friendly, amusing and informative forum!
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  18. OK, sensitive soul I am took offense. Guess I just keep it in my pocket then (the tax disc).

    BTW- I really would like to know the tyre pressures............joking
    #18 davekip, May 24, 2012
    Last edited: May 24, 2012
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  19. get a tube one, I have. far easier to mount, looks a whole lot better and job done.

    anyone who seriously posts about placement needs a thicker skin, it's not exactly rocket science and any answer is probably subjective anyway.

    I think roll it up and pop it in the end of the Termis is as good answer to the OP as any.
  20. I understand it's not rocket science and subjective the idea was to get a pool of ideas from owners of the same bike and choose the best not start world war three over a simple question to like minded owners.
    Think it's been done to death now, got some good feed back and ideas elsewhere.

    Seems to have provided some entertainment for some people anyway :biggrin:
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