Just bought one of these bits of kit for my newly acquired Garmin 550. I was wondering if the "massive" would want me to do a stage by stage fitting review with a few phots?
I have a unit made by Rob on my 999. It's a simple long bolt that replaces the yoke bolt of my steering damper. Good bit of kit.
Ok So here we go like it or not! Having bought the Garmin 550 of evilbay, I needed a mount to stick it on me bike. The Garmin mounting cradle came with the sat nav so looking around I was recommended the telferizer kit. This consists of basically a handlebar mount, cradle back plate and mounting bar. This is what I had to play with. Mounting bracket Handlebar mount with three different sized bolts. cradle backplate So first thing was to mount the backplate to the cradle with the screws and nylock washers resulting in this Next stage is to select where to mount the handlebar ball mount. I chose top left and the middle sized of the three provided bolts which was perfect. The next step was to mount the handlebar ball thus followed by a test fitting,
Part 2 This is effectively the fitting complete. The arm and viewing angle are adjustable at any stage so bearing this in mind, the only thing left is the "hard wiring" of the unit / cradle. Probably, most MTS 1200 owners know that Ducati in their wisdom, during the design and production stage, included a feed for on board accessories. This is NOT the 12 volt accessory sockets but a dedicated weatherproof plug. A short length of cable is supplied with this plug thus. So on reaching this point, we need to establish the positive and negative supply from the plug. Ducati, in their wisdom feed one red (positive) and one black (negative) into the plug, but two black leads out. The feeds were temporarilly connected and tested thus. Once tested the cables were permanently soldered. testing! Yay! now all that is left is to tidy the cables and final cable routing checking the run of the cable against the steering movement checking for snags and stretching. Once happy cable tie and panels back on! About 1 hours work taking time. The kit really is nice, sturdy and easy to use. It comes in at £47.00. for a full multistrada solution. Now to test it in anger!
Hi nice "how to" just one question i am not to good with electrics so how did you test and find out the + and - colours from the white plug,i take it the plug will only go in one way so a close up photo of the lead from the gps to the plug would be great cheers.
Good work, I got the free Ducati SatNav and while it may not be feature rich like some of the higher end units but it does what you need it too and the supplied mounting hardware is the best I've seen for seamless integration with the bike, I wouldn't have paid the asking price for it but it really does look great.
I've used the Telferizer mount on a couple of bikes now and it's a good solution. It's pretty easily adjustable and stable at any speed.