748 Temperature Guage Glass

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Pidge1969, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Does anyone know where I can get new glass for my cracked 748 temp guage?
  2. Unfortunately it's not a straightforward replacement, as the circular black surround that is used to secure the glass is glued to the instrument body and any attempt to prize this off will almost certainly end in more damage. In the past I have carefully cut around the Instrument perimeter just below the black securing ring and then glued it back on after replacing the glass. I'm not sure where you would get one as they are not available separately.
  3. There are a few posts on this subject and I have posted myself about the "glass" removal giving some detail. Check out my replies on this subject as I have found myself in this position in the past.

    As mentioned replacement is not straightforward.
  4. An an FYI, check your brake reservoir... apparently it's escaping brake fluid that often causes this. Source: Terry @ Italia.
  5. Thanks all; firstly I did check out previous posts (always do) just couldn't find any recent info on replacement glass. I have only just replaced this gauge, mine was working perfectly well but had the crack (which is caused by brake fluid weeping onto the glass/plastic surround from the reservoir and weakening the area then with the usual vibration of riding it eventually cracks) so I swapped it for one that I managed to get hold of from flea bay which worked for about a day but is now stuck on 80deg c ! F**k nose why, but anyway I'm going to replace the original glass if I can get some as the surround and glass came apart in my hand so that bit is done! I just need new glass.
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