1200 DVT Termi End Can

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Shoboshi, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. Hello Chaps....

    Quick question... Is there any reason why the more aesthetically pleasing, shorter Termi carbon end can from the pre-DVT Mutley won't fit a DVT standard box?

    There you go.... not too difficult.... I think.!

    Cheers in advance.
  2. I've often thought this myself. Very interested.
  3. Sorry matey, missed your call and just picked up voicemail. If you had one to hand, I’d try it. I think the cat is different so may be bracketing things to sort but diameter looks pretty similar and iirc when I offered and old mts 1200 can to my DVT it slipped on but was hanging out like an r6
  4. Hi Bradders. No worries but thanks for getting back via forum.
    Yep, I suppose the acid test is to try one somehow without laying out the £££ first.
    Cheers bud.
  5. You could pop over to Eastbourne at some point, I’d take my termi stubby off my twin spark, to try on your DVT...

    It would also be be interesting for me to see if it fits, I was going to buy the white 1200s from DMC stoke this week.. MaDProFF has made me think again lol...
  6. Hi Tony.
    I’m free tomorrow from midday then working each day for next two weeks.
    If weathers ok I can pop over on my white Mut.!
    You can peruse..!..
  7. Lol, thanks. Not about tomorrow mate, give me a shout in a couple of weeks then...
  8. Ok will do...
  9. Are you still available for a fitting Tony..?


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