1260 Termi Up-map To Custom Map

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by freshage, Feb 17, 2025.

  1. Has anyone had their termi/akro up-map's properly mapped at a rolling road facility? I've been toying with the idea for a while and just this am received a promotional email from the company I previously reached out to.

    I have no issues with fuelling following the up-map install and EVAP removal (the latter, I doubt made any differences to performance, more low end throttle response from what I can tell), however I wonder what, if any performance would come from a custom map.

    I understand the map which comes with the termi is a simple copy and paste tune, so I am curious, is it worth doing a custom map?
  2. I have the race-system & have always been happy with its fuel economy so too speak. Surely if someone overtunes your engine for power it'll reduce the life-span of the kit.
  3. This is out of genuine curiosity, if I don't need to, I won't. The promotion is simply a 25% discount, so if ever I would do it, now seems to be the time.

    Currently, my bike runs amazing, after it's recent desmo service it's running as smooth as ever. I'm curious mostly if those that have gotten a custom map saw any difference and if so, worth the cost or not.
  4. It would be interesting to see the up map's air to fuel ratio. Custom maps aim for 13 but the standard stuff now seems to be around the 14-15 range which is lean on the fuel side of things.
    Technically by making the fuel ratio richer aka to 13 you will have a more reliable engine and some possible added performance
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