termignoni Stubby

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by ducatifletch, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Has anyone got the fitting instructions for the Termignoni Stubby??
  2. No but id say remove the original and fit the new one!
  3. As above, remove black cover undo the Allen key bolt wheel side, twist the old can off the locating tab and pull off
  4. What they said
  5. Thanks for your help chaps, but I actually wanted it for the fixing sizes, as my bike is not with me and I need some new black ones to match the new powder coated heal guard!!
  6. I've got a termi on mine and the box in the garage but I don't think there where any instructions when I fitted it but I'll check
  7. Well that's a different matter :)

    is it just the bolts that hold on the heat sheild from the standard exhaust you need?
  8. No there are different to the standard, don't worry now its coming back tomorrow, thanks for your help
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