Test ride multi touring

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by rjt_berlin, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. :eek:

    What else can i say!!!!!!

    2012 model, fully blinged up with carbon bits and only 105km on the clock!

    Motor was simply amazing! Thought i was going to mess myself ar times!

    Conditions werent good though, 4 degrees only, cold streets and new tyres - slightly unnerving on the front wheel, am sure that was jus due to thus combination though

    Do i want one - yes, did i sign on the line - no

    Rubbish part ex offer on my gsa, means i need to sell that first...... Just hope it is still there, might have to take the risk and double up, would be a shame to lose a bike like this being fully loaded and so new
  2. Hi mr Berlin
    just take the plunge...u know you want it.....how much more do you think you'll be able to get for your gixzer?....bet you it's not much more....think of all those nice routes you could be doing through the German countryside....on your Ducati. :upyeah:

  3. I think a gsa is a Beemer............Probably not worth anything:biggrin:. Multi is the way forward.
  4. The part ex price she offered for my beemer was a good 2500 euro less than what it is worth!

    Was gutted, came home, thought about it, sent her an email saying fugg it, will take it, make me an offer, will sell the beemer and finance this one until it is done!

    Dont want to take the risk of losing it, great extras and as good as new, ok, just 2012 model, but. 2500 less than 2913 momdel, fully loaded and only (now) 145 km on the clock

    Fugg it, only money!
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  5. Niiiiiice :):)
  6. Good decision. You should be able to sell the GSA easily.
  7. Ah yes quite correct.....it's the lisdexia again....I mean the dyslexia :biggrin:
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