Texting for the oldies

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. texting.jpg

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  2. I spend most of my time ATD because of my HA before my BFF.......with my leg issue we had to BTW, but only just come off morphine so I can HGBM now although there was a period when all the medication meant ISMSA........Fortunately I had just done an oil change on the bike before it happened so I don't need to ask WTL. With regard to WTFMT, I don't really know....quite a few got pulled over the years and I only kept one.
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  3. My teeth are loose, my ears are waxy
    My stomach's fraught and hot and laxy
    My feet are blistered, toes grown furry
    My knees are stiff, sometimes I worry
    My mind's grown vacant, skull has too
    It's a shame what years can do
    Hollowed, hardened, rounded, dangled
    Thirsty, falling, unfilled, tangled
    My fingers cramp, my arms don't bend
    My neck is sore, I'm near the end.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Pure quality Pete
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