
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by iNDITIME, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Thank F*&^ It's Friday.......

    What do you do on a Friday apart from looking forward to a dry weekend to get out on the road?

    I have a bit of a routine every Friday where I meet up with mates at Costa or Starbucks in MK to sit and chat and watch the world (and pretty girls) go by. I try to get to work a little earlier so I can sneek away a bit earlier. I know a lot of people get away at lunchtime on a Friday, but I cant do that anymore.

    Today Ill be gettiing home early to see if my cambelts have turned up and hopefully get them on tonight and all finished for the weekend. :smile:
  2. This weekend is gonna be a drama :rolleyes:.

    No2 son gets married :smile:
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  3. Looking forward to the pics....of well well p#ssed daddy at the dicso :upyeah:

    For me this weekend starts with the long awaited awesome sleep from Friday night to Sat morning. After that its Starbucks, job applications, Xbox and a movie. On Sunday its gym, starbucks, job applications, Xbox and a movie. Yep, I know, exciting
  4. Noooooooo! Not Starbucks find a coffee shop that pays its taxes and probably makes better coffee as well :smile:
  5. Have you practiced your dad dancing? :upyeah:
  6. I'm mostly having a lazy afternoon watching the cricket after having to hand deliver a tender to a potential customer this morning and getting home before midday. The only cloud on the horizon is that I'm expected to get off my arse and go with my wife when she takes her LC for an mot at 4pm.
  7. Thats a fair comment, but you should see the Barista in my local coffee store. I dont go there for the coffee :smile:
  8. Ahh. Its good to see a man with the right priorities. Have a nice coffee and check out the buns while you're there :wink:
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  9. I work from home on Fridays so obviously working now (ahem), Friday fish and chips and an evening faffing in the workshop most likely.....
  10. No need to practice. "Dad dancing" and acting like "Uncle Knobhead" come naturally to me :wink:
  11. Hope all goes well and you have a great day:upyeah:
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