Thanks to Archer and Cooknick

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Having had a reaction to medication, the skin on my forearms has become prone to damage very easily.......the last incident was gentle pressure against my fairing (fiddling with my carb heater tap) caused the skin to break easier than it would on a new spud.

    Archer and Cooknick very kindly made me a pair of thin leather wrist / arm gauntlets, which fix with velcro, so as to save further similar damage...........and they delivered them in person......

    Although they might think it remiss of me not saying anything earlier, I hadn't had a chance to try them out.......but I have today.........great result....

    Thanks Chris and Nicky.........

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  2. Awww made me smile
    There are nice people in this world

    Hope your feeling better Al
  3. Nice one Chris and Nicky :upyeah:
  4. Poor Al :( good idea !
    The skin on my hands cracks easy and gets thin .
    Bepanthan cream is great if skin gets dry and thin.
  5. well, how nice! Well done Archer and Cookie!
  6. I look like an ambidextrous archer when I have got them on......or a blacksmith with designer wrist guards.....

    ...still it's better than skinning myself.......

    Unfortunately it appears it might be a permanent condition.........most of the time my forearms are covered in dark red blotches from 3mm to 15mm diameter and width (some are long) which at first sight are like bruises, but they are more like haemorrages......just the slightest knock or abrasion cause them to appear.......the other morning I was putting on a tight-ish T shirt and when I wriggled the second arm through as you do, I got one about three inches long and half inch wide....

    What a b*gger, eh?

  7. Only too pleased to help out, and it was a great pleasure to meet you and Mrs Al, and sorry we didn't get there in time to meet Paulk. Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Chris
  8. You are more than welcome :) and now that the white stuff seems to be on the wain we look forward to you allowing us to return your wonderful hospitality :) XxX
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