When you just changed your belts, fire it up for first time and it runs on one cylinder ..... the horror images, the pain in chest, the Cock that is about to come storming out of your mouth. Then you notice sparkplug cable not attached. Calm, peace, total understanding sets in. Kill, plug on, start purring like a kitten. Question is there a technique to putting new belts on as they are tight!!
My one's sing Rasputin by Turisas. It is not tension after they are on that is an issue it is getting them on in 1st place. I resulted to putting one half way on then holding it and rotating engine to get rest of it on. 50/50 your pulley does not move
you not planning another trip to Poland again are you Luca........................................bang!:wink:
Maybe he was trying to avoid saying 'F'.............unlike me who doesn't give an Esharp what I say. AL
I don't know if it's the same for the 2-valve motors, but for the 4-valve ones I'm led to believe it's between 110-115 khz, which I'm also led to believe translates as an A. ???
[pedantic mode] 115khz is waaaaaaaaaaay outside the range of human hearing which is about 8hz to 25,000hz 115hz would be fine though. [/pedantic mode]
I downloaded Visual analyser 2011 , does anybody have a better one to use as its not that easy to use for A NUMPTY LIKE ME