Has anyone seen it last time it was in London? I just can not wait, high expectations set if I want to or not Odd last year I would just have a beer instead.
ohhhh....im gonna be foooookin lovin this thread!! Joseph smith..a bigger bullshitter than uri geller... i'll be rubbing hands in anticipation of the posts!!
If you listened to the song I hope you listened to the lyrics as that is what counts? "..... I believe that in 1978 god changed his mind about black people I believe ...."
Yes it is Hellcat and i have not lough so hard for long time. Entire song 3 min long where main words are fuck god in two languages. Or words like gay is a light switch just switch it off ;P Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Board Express
Aye laddie, the Mormons.....had them round last week, it was sleeting and cauld so invited them in for a coffee and a chat.....well they ate my custard creams and drank my coffee and tried tyo push the god thang, but they were nice lads, tbh more interested in the geetars in the lounge....but a musical about the Mormans......hmmmmm not good, wor lass who is musical mad will be trying to get me to go, but tbh I'd rather have me nad's cut off!!!!!
It is complete piss take. General butt naked and so on. Honestly enjoyed it very much, was crying from laughter and it was so not PC in any way. Think South park lack of PC but instead off over the top situations/jokes a witty, smart humour.