The Call Centre - BBC series

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Has anybody been watching this? Ive been using the iplayer for catch up. Very entertaining, but by Christ I couldn't work there, I'd end up killing half the staff :tongue:
    I'm sure Nev, the CEO, would be a great laugh if you were down the pub/coffee shop, but as a boss, I'm really not sure how i'd react :biggrin:
  2. Not seen it. But I have been watching the "Airport Live" programme on BBC2 about Heathrow. that is fascinating!

    So much background info on how Heathrow and the whole of the airline industry has developed in what amounts to just a few years.
  3. I watched the first one
    It was ok but once is enough for me
    To be honest it couldn't have appealed to me as I forgot it was on :)
    They seem a nice lot
  4. Whats the music they advertise it with....?
  5. Some tasty clunge on there
  6. "Two companies which appear in BBC Three series The Call Centre have been issued with fines related to nuisance calls.The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) issued penalties to Nationwide Energy Services of £125,000 and to We Claim You Gain of £100,000. The ICO said the sums include the first penalties linked to nuisance calls over Payment Protection Insurance."

    BBC News - Call centres in BBC Three programme fined £225,000

    Sounds like a right laugh... :rolleyes:
  7. He's David Brent on acid the boss .
  8. ive only seen the trailers where he brags about the dump being the '2nd best' place to work..wheres the best? working for dynorod?

    no, ive seen the trailers and i want to smash his face thing i cant stand too is the organised fun and working with a bunch of followers who demonstrate their servility by kissing the fat ass of a no mark...
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