The Ctfd Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAliT, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. The CTFD technique or 'Calm the Fuck Down' can be used in many areas of life. I often use it with my wife when she's worrying about how our daughters spelling is or whether our son is behaving himself in public. I also use it directly on our children (not in so many words....they're only little) when they're arguing about sweets, kicking off about bedtime or generally winding themselves up into a lather about the relative merits of CBeebies vs CBBC.

    There are 2 simple steps to this technique

    Step 1. Calm the Fuck Down.

    Step 2. There is no other step.

    Where in your life do you, or could you, utilise the CTFD?

    Examples :

    So they're in the middle lane? CTFD
    That bolt won't shift? CTFD poured petrol all over your crotch whilst filling up because you couldn't be bothered to get off the bike. CTFD
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Does your daughter spell it CFTD?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. i gave up trying to ctfd a long time ago. i find if i have a coffee and fag before i read any anti independence threads, it reduces the need for cftd
  4. I never have to CTFD, does this indicate that I am actually dead ?
  5. Independence threads? Some kind of Scottish jeans?

    Oh! You mean that "go it alone" idea they had a while back and then decided they didn't fancy it. Yeah. That.
  6. No, it means you don't understand enough about the situation to be worried by it.

    People who CTFD are incapable of grasping what is going on :Smug:
  7. right that's it. i am aff for a fag.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. CTFD!!!! :)
    • Funny Funny x 3
  9. Has CTFD got to be said with a Liverpudlian accent?
  10. I'm sure it helps :)
  11. You can try the CTFD theory whilst driving in London and you'll find that you'll still be sat at the same junction two hours later.
    For me, playing a bit of Bob Dylan does the trick :)
  12. carphone warehouse and EE what a bunch of nacho eating to@@ers

    I cant even begin fu**ers​
  13. I've just bought myself out of an EE contract they were that bad!

  14. Don't bother with vodaphobe either
    Always something is charged when it shouldn't be
  15. Bugger.....just gone to Vodaphone!

  16. Check your bill and check everything
    If you bought in store they won't deal with it over the phone and I thought they used a system where both store and phone can work together seems not
    Every time I have changed ungraded there is always a problem and it always results in me paying when I shouldn't
    Be aware
  17. Cheers. The sad thing is that I expect they are all as bad as each other!
  18. They probably are though I was with O2 about 7 years ago and had no problem with them granted it was pay as you go
    Think my next upgrade I will go back to pay as you go with Tesco
  19. Ere! Thought you was a Sainsbury's girl?!
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