The dreaded "click" 750SS ie

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by muzzer, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Hi all, went out for quick ride this morning to pick up some bits I'd ordered form a shop.
    She started fine and everything was normal on the way there, arrived at shop, did my business and went back to the bike.
    Ignition on, press starter button and all I got was a click from the solenoid.:mad:

    I've done all the usual checks (including trying a jump lead direct to the motor terminal), and power is getting through to the motor - it just won't turn over. I suspect it's self-destructed somehow, so I need to get it off to check.

    My question is - if I remove the starter motor will I get wet feet? Is it in a "dry" part of the crankcase or will I have to drain the oil first?

    It's a 2001 750SS ie

    Cheers in advance
  2. Battery OK, I suppose?

    Put the bike in gear and turn the engine over, then try again.........Sometimes the starters can mis-meash and jam.

  3. Are you absolutely sure the lead has not just popped out of the solenoid?
  4. Thanks Arquebus.
    Battery is fine - the motor doesn't seem to be pulling any power when the solenoid latches, headlights don't even dim.
    I've tried connecting the terminal on the motor directly to the battery +ve with no results.

    What you say about the starter jamming may be right though - I tried bump-starting in second and first gears with someone pushing and the rear wheel just locked up. Weird the starter isn't pulling any power though.

    I guess the LH crank case cover will have to come off to remove the starter so I can have a look at it.

  5. Yes checked that Carlos - solenoid fires correctly but nothing from the motor - the headlight doesn't even dim!
  6. Try pushing backwards a bit? Also use a jump lead on the -ive side of the battery to a good engine earth point when you do the +ive side.

  7. Give it a sharp tap with a hide mallet - often works on car starters - don`t break the housing though.
  8. Thanks for all the replies.
    Got it sorted now - it wasn't the actual starter motor but the crimped connector on the end of the wire!
    Not sure why the motor didn't turn when I applied jump leads to the motor bolt, but it turn over fine now.
    I've replaced the spindly OEM cables with ones that are a bit more up to the job, negative cable included, and soldered the terminals as well!
    Glad I didn't have to replace the starter :upyeah:
  9. nice one :upyeah:
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