I can't believe that they haven't isolated the regions where it is active. Checking people getting off planes for a temperature and allowing people in who have no symptoms, but who may yet develop symptoms, seems to be misguided at best. If it gets into the wider population it will be catastrophic.
i think i have it already.. i feel like crap..in which case 08/10/2014. i may or may not be able to confirm this in a few days :Vomit:
I expect its here already. If we refused entry to someone on the grounds that they were carrying a highly contagious disease and their flesh was dissolving, that would be racist. But of course we're not racist, we don't have an empire any more and we're just soo sorry about all that; we're all progressive and inclusive now and we welcome disease diversity so come one come all and lets all be vibrant together.
It's in Africa, and now the USA and Spain. Time to throw the borders up and keep everyone out who has been there in the last 3 months.
That idea is so obvious it must have been thought of. Ebola in Syria and Iraq can be expected any time soon.