Just read about Volvo (owned by Geely-China) working with the Swedish government who want to cut road deaths to zero by 2020. So with support etc from the Swedish Transport Authority they are going to pilot (sic) about 50 driver less cars very very soon in Sweden. So in the not too distant future where will free thinking, lane swapping, fast accelerating bikes belong in the computerised driving world? Sorry sir my computer didn't see you!!!! I for one am very worried. :frown:
I can't see the point of a driver-less car...........might as well get on a bus, coach, train etc....... If computers can do that plus everything else, there's no point in a car at all, let alone a driver-less one.... Might just as well have brainless humans................after all, someone needs to run the country.
I can see loads of use for it. I drive 40-50k miles, mostly business, and spend hours of unproductive time. I could waft along, making calls where I can take notes, dial into meetings, work on documents. I'm sold Where do I sign
The only thought that is free is the thinking you do as a child. All else is controlled and influenced. We are slaves to the media.
Reason given: safer roads (computers don't make mistakes do they!), improved traffic flow, reduced pollution, zero accidents!!!!! Just look at all the ecu guff and computer controlled bits there are on a modern cars & bikes so far. Sonar sensors in door mirrors (Range Rover) for one. Then Google buying up any robotics firm it can lay it's paws on; some of which almost work exclusively for DARPA. Think Skynet here kids. In this new driving utopia will there be room for motorcycles; an automotive expression of freedom if ever there was one?
I'm more worried by the zero accidents philosophy than the technology to bring it about. "Zero deaths on the roads " has been around for a while in europe as an aspiration , and as the author of the original document says "motorcycles are incompatible with this idea" What do you think that comment will be interpreted to mean?
You have to believe the driverless car is coming. Cars were meant to be about transport - they've just had the spin-off that driving and riding things is fun. But as we know, quite a lot of that fun is illegal. Look back over the past 50 years to see how much has changed. Now look forward 50 years. You really think most of the traffic won't be driverless? (And the insurance premiums for people who insist on driving will be through the roof).