The furthest north I have ever been in my life is Northern Iceland, the furthest east is Moscow, the furthest south is Barbados, and the furthest west is Dallas, Texas. That defines the envelope of my travels, such as they are. Everyone must have their own envelope large or small, starting tiny for babies and reaching worldwide for airline pilots. Care to share?
Furthest north for me was the artic circle, furthest west would be Oregon I think, furthest east Sydney and furthest south the southern tip of the Mornington peninsula in Australia
i have a mate that's been no further south than ballahulish bridge. no shit. keen biker too. think JV has traveled a fare bit. every continent bar two. at his age by the time hie visits the last he will be incontinent. :smileys:
Penzance, Butt of Lewis, Tokyo and Melborne. Edit: Make it Cape Otway to be strictly accurate. Further south of Melborne
Reykjavik, Vancouver Island, Cape Point, New Delhi. I daresay when flying to Vancouver I will have passed over a point more northerly than Reykjavik in the plane, but Reykjavik is probably as far north as I have set foot.
St Petersburg Russia, invercargill NZ, sokcho South Korea and Fiji, but it really depends on what map you are referring to. We tend to use GMT as our centre, Australia and America however see things differently!
North Roe (Shetland), Luxor, San Francisco, Tokyo. I don't think great circle routes should count - unless you managed to get your foot down.
N - either somewhere in Sweden or the north of the Isle of Lewis S - Phillip Island, Australia E - Fraser Island, Australia W - San Francisco
W. Ardnamurchan light house (you cant go any further west on the UK mainland) E. Morzine N. Orkney s. Morzine I dont fly.
South and east would be east coast of Australia. North would be St Andrews and west would be Tenerife
Yes indeed. Must work harder on my North and West. Scandinavia and the US and Canada are two ambitions.