Not in place of, just additional to... So much falling out on so many threads it's hard to know where to go to join in the fun: post links here where it's happening and things will be much easier, thank you
How does this work then? Do we post controversy here and start arguments? I say that's a good idea. Don't care what anyone else thinks. I'll get the ball rolling: The Shawshank Redemption isn't the best film ever made, its interminable, saccharine drivel and Morgan Freeman's Faux Southern drawl is like listening to paint dry which is even worse than watching it. Joanna Lumley isn't gorgeous, she's a horse-faced old ham with a self-adoration complex. The Yamaha R1 isn't one of the best ever Jap fours, its slow, unreliable, offensive to the eye and handles like a three-legged donkey in a sand pit. You're much better off with an early Honda V4 with chain-driven cams and mat black paint. And anyone who disagrees is a homosexualist.
This thread is for links to other threads where disagreements have turned ugly, @Gimlet. It isn't here for throwing out random insults. You great twat. ... The story upon which "Shawshank" is based is a truly great one; the film is a pale reflection of it.
I don't think I've ever fallen out of anything - I did push my brother out of a moving car once - does that count ?
Oh yes it is. And who are you calling a twat? And before anyone else starts all Triumphs are rubbish and so are supermarkets.