The Green Cross Code

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Now I'm assuming that you, like me, were taught the Green Cross Code whilst at school. I even remember the Green Cross Code Man played by Darth Vader himself David Prowse. Now the reason for my post is that I am continually amazed by the number of people, young and old, who seem unable to cross the road, either safely or at a designated crossing.
    Yes it may be a tad pathetic of me, but FFS. Yesterday, in Highgate for example, somebody was killed after they were struck by a lorry, 30 yards from a pedestrian crossing, a proper one with a button and everything. 30 f-ing yards! :eek: I'm not saying that this particular accident was the pedestrians fault, it could easily have been the fault of the driver for not seeing/slowing/paying attention, but surely if this person had used the crossing, they wouldn't have been bouncing down the road distressing all involved. I'm really sure the Police who attended the scene liked dealing with the result of a 10 ton lorry vs 8 stone man.
    This isn't the only time this happens. I find people doing what I call 'the slow walk' in front of traffic. A sort of 'they'll slow down, they have to slow down' attitude. I've seen people do this to tankers, lorries, bikes everything. Most vehicles will be able to slow, but a bus or a fully laden tanker isn't going to stop on a dime is it and whose at fault in the eyes of the law? Yep, the driver
    The taxpayer funds all these specialist crossings for pedestrians, its one of the reasons High Streets are so congested, but what is it with people who would rather risk injury or death by stepping out into traffic, especially those who are less mobile than others, those who will be physically unable (the elderly or disabled) to get out of the way in time.
    For me the only solution is education, but what's really annoying it that if the worst happens and it does, all the flippin time, its the driver who is at fault. It's the driver who ultimately will kill somebody and all because somebody couldn't be bothered walking to the designated crossings that the tax payer has supplied.
    Fuck it makes me so f-ing mad. Cross at the f-ing crossing little man :mad:
    Rant over...for now :wink:
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  2. Moved to -- the thread of Rant. :biggrin:
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  3. Tend to agree Matt. I get facked off with people wandering into the road while chatting to their mates / texting etc... Had a go at my local Sainsbury's this weekend where this dim bint just wandered out into the road... Of course it was all my fault though! :rolleyes:
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  4. Some people are just bone idle. Some just don't understand. Either way, in nature this this is called survival of the fittest, if you were a lazy or stupid creature in the wild, your opportunity to pass these stupid, lazy genes on would be removed by something with big teeth and claws.
    A big truck does the same job!
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  5. I am sorry but they do it here because they can, yes they are idiots but they are legally allowed to be. You are the only country I know where jai walking is not an offence. Rest of Europe in normal circumstances (green for car, driver sober in "fault" free vehicle at legal speed) if car hits pedestrian outside crossing pedestrian, assuming he survives, gets stung with fine and damage repair cost to vehicle. Believe it or not in some countries if pedestrian has a insured car you can claim of his insurance as police will provide you those details on the spot.
    Even bloody Americans got that one right as jai walking is an offence there and it is enforced which has reduced accidents in NY. I believe when Juliani was at the helm he even made a proper study in to that.
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  6. I agree entirely with your comments. Even if not using designated crossings, people should pay attention to their surroundings but no they are too busy listening to music, texting, playing games, arsebooking Twatting, or believe it or not, actually using their phones to call someone.

    Example, Two weeks ago, I was on a train journey sat opposite the doorway when a bloke around mid 20's went to get on the train, but because he was obviously more interested in his phone / device content, he tripped onto the train then semi fell backwards, his leg going between the train step and the platform. Strange thing was, because those around him were also "device engaged" or in a rush, he was stepped round /over several times until a woman and another guy and I helped him back to his feet.
    Some victims of crime can be slotted into this category as well.

    Not being aware of whats going on around you, defeats one of humanities primal instincts, that of survival!
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  7. I agree to people not being aware of their surroundings
    Young people today are being cacooned and stopped from playing outside
    I believe for my generation as we were always out on bikes and meeting friends that we learnt the dangers and being aware of surrounding by experience
    Many children today don't walk to school are driven everywhere and wear headphones and have the latest tech so they aren't learning awareness
    They can read about it but until you put it into practice and experience it you can't learn it.
    Safety becomes bottom of list and hence accidents happen.
  8. I think it often goes beyond lack of awareness into the 'I am going to deliberately make life difficult for you' realm. It is just another manifestation of stress in a modern society.
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  9. You mean on purpose walking in front of you and doing a very slow walk. Know what you mean but I will admit that few that did it when I was stressed or in bad mood got quite a bit of a shock ....
  10. @ Ducbird - "aye, and when I were a lad it were nowt but fields round 'ere !"
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  11. It's not just pedestrians - bloody cyclists are just as bad. Our local council spent thousands and thousands of pounds putting in a cycle path alongside the road, and where do the cyclists ride ? Yeah, on the road ! Which, by the way, is a winding and tree-lined so they are really easy to see - not ! And often they ride two or three abreast - same attitude "it's alright, the cars will slow down..." Morons ! I reckon it's partly stupidity, partly bloody-mindedness, and partly the i-pod/i-phone/text/mp3/twatter thing, that is why pedestrians and cyclists are the only groups of road users who's accident rates are going up, not down...
  12. Natural selection...
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