The Grey Dogs

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Old Jock, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Just completed some video of a trip with Seafari Adventures back in July. Still got to put video together of Corryvrekan itself, although this time Corryvrekan was a bit disappointing compared with previous trip.

    This is going through, then back through, "The Grey Dogs" a short tidal race between the islands of Scarba & Lunga, water can run at up to 12 knots and its around 200ft deep.

    Anyway thought I'd share this with you guys and see what you think (which probably means heaps of abuse)

  2. when you getting me that coffee you promised.
    my neighbor does these tours
  3. You live on Easdale? I think that's where the owners are based. Perhaps your neighbor does rival tours, I'd love to hear about them if he does.

    I'll need to take a look at the tide times and tables for the Falls of Lora, want to do it when they are at their best.

    I MAY be out on the Guzzi later in the week or next, if I do might come up your way I'm never that far away as I like these roads. If I do I'll ping you to find out where you are.

    I got a lot of Oban relatives but would never recognize any of them its been so long ago since I seen most of them, when a kid I was up in Oban at least once a month. Dad is buried in Pennyfuir as he was from that way originally.
  4. not on easdale other side of oban up near balla. his tours are based below the ballachoolish bridge. my workshop is in oban. behind mathesons furnishings kettle is always on.
  5. Not sure about the split screen (?) effect but otherwise very good. Looked like you picked a very atmospheric day for it. I have sailed through those waters a bit, twice through Corryvrekan and Cuan Sound but never through the Grey Dogs, it is a lovely area.
  6. I'm guessing your neighbor is involved with or owns Seaxplorer then.

    Ok not sure where Balla is but I'm sure I'll find Mathesons. I'll give you a ping if I'm coming up Cheers Fin
  7. ballachoolish yip he owns seaxplorer nice guy taking the kids out sometime.
  8. @johnv you can please some of the people, I guess, I thought it worked not bad to show the way the boat rolled into the turns, it was a crude effort though for sure and I never planned the shots just stuck a GoPro on either side. I'll concede my aesthetics are up ma arse.

    Weather was bloody awful, it pelted most of the time was freezing cold and at 30knots in an open rib, the rain sure stings. That said I'm up for it again definately. Even when the weather is rotten the scenery still takes my breath away, it's so atmospheric.

    Yours a braver man than me if you went through any of these waters in a yacht. I read on the net that a TV crew threw a dummy in with all the normal flotation equipment and depth gauge. It popped up a good distance away the depth gauge read 262 meters and the dummy was considerably damaged showing evidence of being dragged along the bottom some way.

    Its not a place you'd want to fall out the boat

  9. you gonna do the falls on a canoe? seems to be all the rage.
  10. Naw haven't got the training Fin.

    Looking at the website "playboats" and canoes seem to be the thrill seekers choice.

    I've just a bit more respect for that water. You probably know the Connel Bridge was to Obaners what the Erskine was to Weegies.

    I knew a guy who snuffed himself out right there.

    Hoping to take some footage from the bridge pier and the top of the bridge, without a hoard of yahoos in canoes ruining ma footage but its probably too much to ask.
  11. did he jump? know the erskin bridge well. i am originally a habie kilbarchan
  12. It wasn't the Erskine bridge he jumped from it was the Connel. Good friend of my old man many, many years back.

    Fiddled the tax man and then hadn't the money to pay him back. In those days the community up there was a lot more moralistic and he took just couldn't face the shame, so took his own life. Police found the car with the car keys in it parked at the end of the Connel bridge.

    Real shame that anybody would be felt driven to that, but that was the way it was, I can still remember him though I was but a nipper.

  13. The trick for Corryvrekan is to time your approach for the slack water before the tide is due to turn against you, that way if you arrive late you are spat back out rather than sucked in. A friend of mine suggested diving it, I politely declined.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. I have sailed under the Connel Bridge also, there is a section of the bridge identified to go under to miss the bar over which Falls of Lora build. Again timing is the key.
  15. sorry to hear that jock.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. There are nutters who dive it and swim it, but I'm afraid the enterprise is lost on me. I want to go out again during both ebb and flood as the water behaves entirely differently. I think its ebb for whirlpools and flood for standing waves and more noise. Could have it all about tit............................a sailor I am not, but I do love being out in the water.

    Sounds like you enjoy Scotland @johnv from the little I've seen of the islands I heard the scenery is most dramatic viewed from a boat.

    @finm if your doing anything like that and want some company let me know always up for a day in a boat. The suicide was a long time ago but any time I see the bridge I'm reminded of him, strange the things that stick

    Apart from Lora I want to take the Seafari boat to Staffa too and see Fingles cave (you've probably seen more of Scotland than I have @johnv , which makes me hang ma heed, as we weegies would say)
  17. no prob mate.
  18. Been to Fingal's Cave a couple of times and St Kilda. Scotland has some stunning scenery.
  19. Oh St Kilda I'd love to see it. Remember the program on the BBC when they visited (must search to see if I can find it) the photography and the views were simply out of this world.

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