Stated today that we are to get warmer, wetter winters & hotter, dryer summers, sounds good to me ! It's your duty to burn more of those hydrocarbons !
saw that, i did get a wee bit excited when suggested that warmer dryer summers will be the norm. i can live with 5 months rain if i get 7 months of sun..
well, if the summer was anything like last year it should be a corker....looking forward to sweating my arse off in a full set of leathers at the TT riding my BBQ of an RSV4 round the circuit...!
Don't get carried away, I think that you'll find what you call sunshine, is what the rest of us in the southern latitudes call 'daylight' ......
Don't they say something like this every year? Then it rains all summer long and we have 10 feet of snow in April.
That was also reported in the Daily Mail but last October they also said that it was going to be the coldest winter for 10 years.Err,that was wrong then.