Come on bradders, post 'em up. I'm betting you were a massive Prince fan back in the day, all purple flares and chest rug...
Ha this forum is fucked again, keeps dropping off and didn't think the thread loaded! There are a few monks and dodgy hair shots...but heres one I didnt want taking edited - nah not having it!! Forum says no!
My late mother took a picture of me in the bath with her oldest friends daughter when we were about 5 years old and used to love embarrassing me at the age of 13 to my mates with this.This 5 year old girl finished up representing France as an ice skater at 20 and would have loved to have done the same photo subsequently a few years later. I might need a cold shower right now......
Funny thing, chatting to my son who's nearly 18 about how my weight ballooned at his age and some pics show me at 17 then at 19 having put 8st on. Hoping it shocked him enough to get his lazy ass in the gym...
Came in the other night and the wife was watching this horror movie. Big, dark spooky gothic building, monster at the far end just in shot. Looked again and realized it was our wedding DVD John