The panigale !!

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by suzuki man, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. After looking and being interested in firstly the 999 then the 1098 then the 1198 , I managed to see on YouTube what the panigale is like , I watched a review and because of the review of it I'm now at the moment not buying any Ducati , because of what I've seen of the panigale and what I've read I just can't buy any other Ducati , the panigale has to be from out of space as it is an absolute piece of engineering marvel , the specification of it is absolute mind blowing . 195 bhp and a dry weight of around 170 kg and it's a v twin is insane , the sound of it aswell , it sounds as good as the tl thou and it has to be the fastest bike on the world it has to be it's so light and powerfull it has to be over 200 mph , I've been today to Ducati and in all honesty I wasnt wowed at the panigale like I was on YouTube , as it was a demo bike and it was very dirty so and I realised how easy they deapprieciate , I was very impressed with how the 848 looked it looked lovely , but the panigale engine spec and electronics it has with all it's elecy adjustable suspension and engine modes etc is unbelievable , it's brought motorbike technology so more far forward which to me hasn't happened so much since the Japanese did in the 90,s and the last decade , but I'm expecting the japs to respond with something just as Impresive as they always make better use of other peoples ideas IMHO , the panigale is just too much money for me and after knowing what it has and what it can do and achieve I don't want any other Ducati but the panigale , maybe in a few years when it's cheaper I could get it , I'd love to see what this bike could do against a veyron in a drag as I'm sure the. Veyron wouldn't catch it till the panigale hit its top speed
  2. I like you're thinking but I think you're missing out on some of the great Ducati's of the recent past...

    You could always wait for the panigale's baby brother... the 899 or whatever it will be called TBC
  3. Panigale is surely the biz, but bikes have been over-engineered for the road for ages, so you don't need the very latest cutting edge kit to have fun. Last years (or even 5 years ago) cutting edge kit is still quite capable of cutting it.

    My 999 has no wet mode, no ABS and no monobloc brakes. I can see that all these things are desirable, but I lose no sleep over not having them.
    Only 6 years ago it was at the top of its game.
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  4. Anyone only wanting a bike because of a review or not wanting one because of the same has my permission to go and buy a car!
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  5. You're not 15 years old are you SM? :rolleyes:
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  6. That reads a bit like Colicabadacam or whatever he was called, expect orange camo trousers any moment and the roar of a KTM!
  7. Classic.

    You managed two full-stops in your coke-fuelled Paragraph Of Doom - and then managed to put one in a random place anyway? :upyeah:

    I test-rode one a few weeks back (a Pani, not a paragraph. There are differences.) which further fuelled my lust for said beast? Sadly I will never afford a new one short of a lottery win, so will have to make do. :biggrin:
  8. He was great entertainment... I wonder where he is now
  9. Aren't we being a bit mean to someone who is clearly so breathlessly enthusiastic they have let their prose carry them away?
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  10. Exactly lighten up guys! Ffs and the grammar police can go get fecked,.:tongue:
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  11. Having just read the review in this month's 'Bike', i'm not sure wether they liked it or not. They loved the engineering how it has moved things on, but it broke down & needs the tank filling up every 70 miles. i will have to re-read it again.
  12. Still orange cammo on KTM. Did not see him for ages, last time was last year and he was on KTM do not even know if he still has the 1098.
  13. just a little heads up on this old thread , i today put down a deposit on a panigale , its an abs model with 820 miles on it , i cant wait till next week to finalize the deal and bring home my 2 wheel ferrari !!
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  14. Good on yer. Have fun :upyeah:
  15. +1.

    Im not exactly a Ducati expert, but i thought they'd made a cpl of good bikes before the Panigale?? Oh no, hang on, they were all crap and not worth having until this thing was built.

    and finally......when will ppl get past all this marketing bollox about this that and the other bloody gadget (that will go wrong)??? Newer, aint necessarily better, that said, the Panigale is winning me over, and im almost tempted to say that it makes the 1198 look like a bit of an ugly duckling...almost.
  16. i fear that you have become inebriated with exuberance of your own verbosity.
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  17. A ducati is a ducati, end of. Enjoy the ride :upyeah:
  18. If you look on the s/h market there are a lot of barely used Panigales up for sale.

    Either Ducati owners don't like the new engine or new owners have bought one and scared themselves shitless.
  19. If they've gone from a JIL4 to a Ducati they'll be wondering what they've bought as a lot of people seemingly do. I know I did, but I've persevered and I'm now enjoying it :upyeah:
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